hsbWriters thanks the following donors:
(in alphabetical order)
Marty and Ben Castillo
Kathleen and Tom Clark
Judith Conklin
Paloma Guerrero
Donna Joppie
Kim Jungkind
Lisa Laird
Laura Powell
Sarah Thompson
In-kind donors:
The Church at Horseshoe Bay
Kathleen Clark
Eclipse Texas Marketing, LLC
Five Soul Wine Company
Michelle Guajardo
Horseshoe Bay Property Owners Association
Donna Joppie
Lisa Laird
Living Architecture & Construction Management
Melissa Miller
Dr. William Reid
Jeff St. Claire
Sarah Thompson
In addition to financial and in-kind donors, hsbWriters thanks First United Bank of Horseshoe Bay for their friendship and support.
hsbWriters is a not-for-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. We invite your support for our endeavors through your financial contributions or through your contribution of service as a volunteer.
To donate by check, mail your check to:
hsbWriters, 1124 Stampede, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
To donate by Paypal, select this link.
To volunteer, please email us at [email protected] and let us know your interest.